Katlin Palmerston is a 17-year-old girl who lives a privileged existence with her stockbroker father Alastair, mother Valerie and little brother Terry, but a dangerous addiction to gambling has a devasting effect on her and her family. Katlin’s world starts to crumble when she wins $50 during a poker game with friends. Lured by the promise of status and riches, Katlin dabbles in a seemingly innocent high school sports pool. It’s this second experience with winning that initiates her downward spiral. Her next venture takes her to an Internet roulette game, With the help of her parents’ credit cards, she quickly loses thousands of dollars, and before she knows it, Katlin is forced to repay her debt to a loan shark — by whatever means she can.
1 CD, 700 MB, mds.xvid-reserved
90 min, 640×352, 953 kbps, mp3
IMDB, nfo,