Synposis: Set in Northern Uganda, a country ravaged by more than two decades of civil war, “War/Dance” tells the story of Dominic, Rose, and Nancy, three children whose families have been torn apart, their homes destroyed, and who currently reside in a displaced persons camp in Patongo. When they are invited to compete in an annual music and dance festival, their historic journey to their nation’s capital is also an opportunity to regain a part of their childhood and to taste victory for the first time in their lives.
Genre: Documentary
IMDB rating: 7.5
Directed by: Sean Fine, Andrea Nix
Size: 1 CD, 750 MB
Quality: DVDSCR, XviD, 624×352, 790 kbps @ 23.976 FPS, 110 kbps @ MP3
Runtime: 106 minutes
Filename: epic-wardance
Links: IMDB, Homepage, Trailer
Samples: #1, #2, #3
Torrent: Download